We are very close to WWE's Hell in a Cell PPV a show likely to be headlined by CM Punk defending the WWE championship against Ryback a match no one would of expected after Night of Champions happened. So while I've thought about writing about why the World titles (WWE, World heavyweight & TNA) aren't being treated like World titles or the biggest upset title wins I decided to go in a whole different direction and am looking at some of the surprising main events in the past.
Roddy Piper vs. Jerry Lawler-King of the Ring 1994: Now you may look at this match and think "These are 2 main event quality wrestlers why is this weird?" oh there are many reasons why. The first was that Jerry Lawler hadn't been in WWE long and wasn't even a full time wrestler at the time, and speaking of that Roddy Piper wasn't wrestling at all at the time he was busy with films this was a one off. The build was a very weird one mainly because they couldn't get Piper to appear on TV live. But what made this an odd choice to close a show was the rest of the card, we had the quarter finals, semi finals and finals of the King of the Ring (Owen Hart won it) which could of made sense ending the show. We also had a WWE title match as Bret Hart defended against then Intercontinental champion Diesel meaning it was a champion vs. champion match, something rather rare at the time. What really stands out is that WWE were beginning to promote their guys as the "new generation" and yet this 2 old veterans closed the show. As for the match itself it was pretty dire, Piper has never been the best worker and as much as I love King sometimes he's too Memphis for his own good. Piper would win a 12 minute match with a weird back suplex pin and he would pretty much be done, he'd do the odd WWE appearance until 1996 where WCW signed him and did a feud with Hogan because that was fresh! Don't let Dixie Carter see this she'll probably do the feud again in TNA.
The Rock vs. Chris Benoit-Fully Loaded 2000: Much like the last match you may be asking why this one is odd. Well truth be told it's was odd because Benoit had only debuted near the beginning of the year, he had been getting a great push including some Intercontinental title runs. The main push to this match came when Shane McMahon joined forces with Benoit and like a lot of WWE feuds back then it was more about McMahon vs. Rock rather than Benoit vs. Rock. Thankfully when it came to working in the ring I don't think you could ask for a better match. They added the "if the champ is DQ'd he loses the title" rule to the match which did happen and many thought Benoit was champ however it was reversed and the Rock retained, something that they would do in the 4 way main event at Unforgiven 2 months later for no reason. After those 2 shows Benoit went back into the mid-card and would really stay there until the beginning of 2004 making this push look worthless.
Rob Van Dam vs. Balls Mahoney-Anarchy Rulz 1999: RVD was arguably the most over guy in ECW during his TV title run and beyond, while you can say what you like about his work I personally don't like his always taunting, lack of selling, high spots galore style he has a ton of charisma and connects with the crowd so well. So when we compare these 2 at the time Balls was just a bleeding, chair swinging mid-card tag wrestler. Looking at this match it came off as Balls is just the challenger of the month and we assumed the ECW world title would close the show, nope that went mid way through probably because it was a 3 way which saw Taz go out quickly and Paul Heyman was probably worried that the fans wouldn't take to a Masato Tanaka/Mike Awesome match, they would and would love all their matches. Even the hilarious mess of a tag title "match" went on later. So honestly I don't get why this went on last it was probably to try to get RVD over as a real main eventer and surprisingly the match was really good, probably the best on the card if you over look Lance Storm/Jerry Lynn opener.
John Cena vs. R-Truth-Capitol Punishment 2011: Yes R-Truth, who currently talks to an invisible child and must dream of this happening again, received a WWE title match on PPV. R-Truth had began getting a push a few months before after he turned heel and was talking about conspiracies against him. He had actually scored a win over Rey Mysterio and was doing really well as a heel. But even saying that this match came off as extremely rushed. Truth really should of gained some more big wins before getting this shot. The match really seemed to be randomly announced and just happened a blip in the year of 2011 that was quickly forgotten. The match itself didn't help Truth as Cena made him look foolish and just weak after you had built him so much, a common problem with Cena feuds. What makes things worse is that you could of closed the show with Christian/Orton for the World title and no one would of argued, well almost no one. Truth quickly went back to the mid-card after, he would get a small push later in the year while teaming with the Miz but they were both victims of the Cena/Rock feud and were made to look so weak in fact Cena beat both in a handicap match so there was no point having the Rock there.
Mike Awesome vs. Spike Dudley-Guilty as Charged 2000: As I mentioned in the RVD/Balls match Mike Awesome would wrestle Tanaka for the ECW title on the same show and he would win the title. At the next PPV the 2 had a singles rematch (again it didn't end the show) and the fans raved about it. So how do you follow that up? Mike had been made to look amazing with working with Tanaka but to get him over as this giant monster Paul Heyman would put him with smaller guys hence Spike Dudley. The feud began with Mike "knocking out" Spikes girlfriends teeth, who never appeared again mind you and that was it. The match itself came off really well, within seconds Mike tossed Spike over the top through tables to the floor twice making it look like Spike was dead, this would continue with Spike getting some big moves to give hope but would end with Mike just powerbombing the hell out of Spike to win. The next PPV the same would happen with Kid Kash but that didn't end Living Dangerously Super Crazy vs. Rhino did, another match that could be on this list.
Diesel vs. Mable-Summerslam 1995: Just let the groan out. OK let's look at this. Diesel had won the WWE title in very late 1994 but wasn't really pushed as the main events on PPV, a great addition to this is Kevin Nash's WWF Timeline of 1995 DVD where he reveals how he felt about WWE's dealings with him that year and beyond. Mabel had just won the King of the Ring, one of the worst PPV's ever and one I'm thinking of reviewing in a series of the worst shows I've ever seen. This was Mabel's big chance at the title, apparently Vince McMahon was very high on Mabel at the time a line we've heard in history more often than we should I feel. As for the match just imagine it, these 2 were always awful wrestlers so putting them together just meant doomsday for us true fans. Mabel would hurt Diesel badly in a spot he asked not to happen and Mabel would be released soon after. Mabel has gone down as one of the worst Kings in history, probably right next to Mr. Ass.
Hulk Hogan vs. the Butcher-Starrcade 1994: Who's the Butcher I hear you all ask, it's Ed Leslie. The man who has probably had the most gimmicks in wrestling history. Anyone who knows Hogan knows that him and Ed are BFF's and Ed really only had a "career" because Hogan was protecting him. Anyways Hogan had debuted in WCW at Bash at the Beach, where he won the WCW title in his first match, and had gone on to do the usual Hogan routine for the rest of the year aka burying everyone in touches. This match basically came out of Hogan doing a power play and stroking his own ego. I've not seen this match and I don't want to see this match all we need to know is that this was a main event and a company allowed it to be because whether you want to admit it or not Ed Leslie was never over and only got a reaction because he was with Hogan.
The Miz vs. John Cena-Wrestlemania 27: This was recently mentioned in the awesome CM Punk "Best in the World" DVD, which you should probably be watching than reading this but it's almost done so might as well stay to the end now. The Miz won the WWE title the night after Survivor Series where he cashed his Money in the Bank contract. Since then he wasn't positioned in the main event on any PPV after winning it. Miz was doing a good job as a heel at the time but to put him in the main event with John Cena at Wrestlemania was shocking to everyone. What didn't help was that Miz wasn't even acknowledged leading into the match that much it was all about Rock and Cena, which we wouldn't get to this year's Mania (and will likely get at next year so there goes that Once in a Lifetime ad). The match itself wasn't great and was out shined by a lot on the show and it was overlooked even more when the Rock basically won the match for the Miz (shocking that he retained to be honest but that lasted a month), the highlight of the match was Cena legit knocking Miz out in the countout spot near the end. The next month they added a cage and John Morrison to get Cena to win the title and Miz's main event run would be officially killed in a I Quit match the month after.
Goldberg vs. Kronik-Halloween Havoc 2000: This match had no build, no story and no action. WCW started Goldberg's streak over again because it's probably the only thing that got him over, hey WWE you could do that with Ryback might as well copy Goldberg's entire career. This was a elimination match and it lasted 3 MINUTES! You're main event lasted 3 minutes and it killed Kronik as Goldberg just ran through them. I promise you very few fans left happy after that show mainly because the entire show was awful but this main event didn't help. Not much to write here as there was nothing there.
John Cena vs. John Laurinatis-Over the Limit: This main evented a show! Cena's on this list a lot and it shows how WWE have just ran through so many opponents and he needs a break so we can get some fresh matches. Where should I begin? How about the fact Laurinatis wasn't a wrestlers? How about the fact you had CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE title (a match of the year candidate) on the same show? How about we could see the Big Show turn coming a mile off? How about this was long, drawn out awful comedy instead of Cena kicking his ass which was the whole story leading into it? This is my biggest problem with WWE they have to have Cena close the show and I don't know why, people aren't going to turn off the PPV after and if they do it's probably because they've conditioned people to think Cena equals the end. And for everyone who says "but Austin faced Vince in main events of PPV's" they weren't comedy matches those matches were all Austin kicking Vince's ass, which was the whole purpose of the build, and Vince would only get offence with outside help. They were also the biggest face and heel at the time and they were ultra hot at the time. I'm not mad that this match took place but it shouldn't have ended a PPV.
That's my list. Hope you like it and let me know what you think, I've probably pissed off some Cena lovers but haven't said anything new here it's all been said before when it comes to my feelings towards the character.
Saturday, 20 October 2012
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Remembering the Loose Cannon
"He's the new Loose Cannon" that phrase has been used so many times with certain up and coming wrestlers, most recently Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose. 15 years after his death and people are still trying to be just like Brian Pillman. As I've said before I became a wrestling fan in 1997, Pillman was my first favourite wrestler ever and I think that speaks volumes considering he passed away in October of that year. It's been 15 years since his passing and I thought I would take a look at his career and the massive impact the man left behind.
Brian had bad luck from the very beginning of his life, he gained multiple throat polyps as a child and had to have 40 operations before he was 3 which resulted in his voice being like it was. Pillman's bad luck would continue when he tried to get a football career going, while he was seen as extremely talented his size was a huge drawback he would get drafted by teams but wouldn't last too long. His football coach at the time recommended that Pillman try to get into wrestling and lead him to the Hart family dungeon, possibly seen as one of the best starts anyone could get at the time as the family produced many superstars and Hall of Famers. Brian would start his career in Stampede and form a tag team with Bruce Hart, the duo won the tag titles twice. Brian was known as a student of the game and was always learning about the business he would also become known as "Flying" Brian as he introduced a high flying style to the company. It was this style that arguable got him noticed by NWA and he got signed, a big thing considering he was only in the business for 3 years at the time.
Brian debuted for the NWA in 1989, not changing his style one bit. He quickly got noticed and entered a feud with Lex Luger for the US title. Their match at Halloween Havoc of that year was awesome even more so because Luger was never the best worker. The NWA then decided to put Pillman in a tag team with Tom "Z-Man" Zenk, the duo won the NWA US tag titles, sadly for as much success they got the team just didn't click and was broken up rather quickly. Pillman would become involved in a feud with the 4 Horsemen mainly Barry Windham this would lead to a 5 star match in the form of War Games in 1991, Brian would lose the match after El Gigante threw in the town after Sid Vicious KILLED him with 2 awful powerbombs. Pillman would then lose a Loser leaves Town match later on and become the "Yellow Dog", a gimmick much like Dusty's Midnight Rider which would be copied by many indy wrestlers. But he would become reinstated and with the invention of the Light Heavyweight title Brian became the focal point of the title leading to an amazing feud between him and Jushin "Thunder" Liger, the match they had at Superbrawl which opened the show was incredible and still holds up today (in my view). Soon after that Brian would turn heel and team with Barry Windham, at Starrcade 1992 they would challenge Ricky Steamboat & Shane Douglas for the NWA/WCW Tag titles in an amazing match. Soon after the team split, with Barry focusing on the NWA World title but he brought a replacement in the form of "Stunning" Steve Austin and the Hollywood Blondes would be born. They would feud with Steamboat & Douglas for the unified tag titles and on March 27th 1993 they would win the title. The duo really shined and were the tag team of the year in 1993, they would feud with the 4 Horsemen which showed how entertaining they could be outside of the ring as well as in it. Sadly the Blondes, well Austin and Steven Regal who replaced an injured Pillman, would lose the tag title to Arn Anderson and one of the worst horsemen ever in the form of Paul Roma. Soon after the team split and had a short feud with Austin winning overall.
One of his forgotten moments was that he would team with Shane Douglas in a one off ECW appearance in 1994 against Ron Simmons & Too Cold Scorpio. Back in WCW Pillman kind of got lost in the shuffle for a while until Fall Brawl 1995 where he would get involved in the Anderson/Flair match. After some typical WCW booking after Flair turn face and back again within a month a new 4 horsemen was born, with Chris Benoit being the 4th man. It was during this time that Pillman became developing the Loose Cannon gimmick, a gimmick that would blur the lines of fact and fiction. Coming off as a wild, uncontrollable maniac he really pushed everything he did. Pillman would go on to create 2 of the most infamous moments in wrestling history. In a match with Eddie Guerrero Brian would mess with Bobby Heenan, who was commentating outside of the ring. Heenan, who had neck problems, would yell out "What the Fuck are You Doing?" on the mic and then would walk away for most of the match. The second was more famous at Superbrawl 6 Brian was booked to face Kevin Sullivan in a strap match, Pillman ran down and the 2 proceeded to just hit each other until Brian grabbed the mic and said "I respect you bookerman". This would ultimately end up with Pillman working Bischoff and getting his release from the company.
ECW would jump on this, like many men at the time, and Pillman would debut soon after leaving WCW. The first reaction he got was a great one from the crowd but Brian turned on them quickly and made the die hard ECW fans hate him. Pillman's run with ECW would not last long and mainly consisted of his insane promos building towards a match with Shane Douglas. At the same time both WCW and WWE wanted to sign Pillman. But his bad luck would hit again and he would get in a car accident which caused a massive amount of damage to his body.
Surprisingly WWE did in fact sign him, injuries and all. He took part in a very honest press conference after his signing but would quickly go back to his Loose Cannon promo style soon after debuting. His promo at King of the Ring 1996 was particularly great in my view. Pillman with Owen Hart teamed with Steve Austin in Austin's campaign to get Bret Hart to return to face him. But Pillman suddenly changed his tune and Austin would attack him, during which he created the now infamous "Pillmanizer" move where you close a chair on a persons body and you jump on it. That angle would lead to one of the most controversial moments in wrestling history in "Pillman's got a gun". Within time Pillman would recover, not fully mind you, would return to TV. He would be a commentator for Shotgun Saturday Night with Jim Ross (a team I would love to listen too) and he would become part of the Hart Foundation, being seen as one as their own. Pillman would have very few matches in WWE, he teamed with Jim Neidhart against the Legion of Doom on Raw, would have a great brawl with Steve Austin on Raw and would be part of the fantastic USA/Canada feud with the incredible 10 man tag at Calgary Stampede. But Pillman's biggest feud was with Goldust, he lost to Goldust at Summerslam and was forced to wear a dress. The two would have a rematch with Pillman winning and gained Marlena's services. At Badd Blood 1997 Brian was scheduled to face Dude Love but that was the day that Pillman sadly died. He passed away from a heart condition quietly in his hotel room. By the time of his death Brian was a heavy drug user, nothing illegal and it was all to help him kill the pain he was dealing with on a daily basis. On the Raw the next night Vince McMahon interviewed his wife, mainly trying to cover their tracks and make it look like WWE were not responsible for it, it was classless on their part.
When you look back at Brian Pillman's career 2 things stand out, he was a very under-rated worker in my view. He's never seen as one of the best workers of all time but you'd rarely get a bad match from him. The second was that he created endless controversy during his time as the "Loose Cannon". There are endless stories of Pillman living the gimmick 24/7. You could argue that he probably should of only lived it when the cameras were on but you could also argue that he made the gimmick believeable at a time when wrestling was hard to believe. Like I said when I began this post this character has become one of the copied gimmicks ever, Superstar Billy Graham was the most copied style of the 80's and 90's and you can say that Pillman was the most copied of the 2000's and beyond.
I don't know what it was about Brian that got my attention but it stuck with me. The L in my "L.R.K.P" tattoo is for him, I loved the wildness he showed but I also liked the idea of him being a completely different person to people who actually knew he. To me Brian's career was one of the most impactful in the history of wrestling. You only get a handful of guys who you can safely say made a lasting impact in wrestling and Brian was one of those guys.
Brian had bad luck from the very beginning of his life, he gained multiple throat polyps as a child and had to have 40 operations before he was 3 which resulted in his voice being like it was. Pillman's bad luck would continue when he tried to get a football career going, while he was seen as extremely talented his size was a huge drawback he would get drafted by teams but wouldn't last too long. His football coach at the time recommended that Pillman try to get into wrestling and lead him to the Hart family dungeon, possibly seen as one of the best starts anyone could get at the time as the family produced many superstars and Hall of Famers. Brian would start his career in Stampede and form a tag team with Bruce Hart, the duo won the tag titles twice. Brian was known as a student of the game and was always learning about the business he would also become known as "Flying" Brian as he introduced a high flying style to the company. It was this style that arguable got him noticed by NWA and he got signed, a big thing considering he was only in the business for 3 years at the time.

One of his forgotten moments was that he would team with Shane Douglas in a one off ECW appearance in 1994 against Ron Simmons & Too Cold Scorpio. Back in WCW Pillman kind of got lost in the shuffle for a while until Fall Brawl 1995 where he would get involved in the Anderson/Flair match. After some typical WCW booking after Flair turn face and back again within a month a new 4 horsemen was born, with Chris Benoit being the 4th man. It was during this time that Pillman became developing the Loose Cannon gimmick, a gimmick that would blur the lines of fact and fiction. Coming off as a wild, uncontrollable maniac he really pushed everything he did. Pillman would go on to create 2 of the most infamous moments in wrestling history. In a match with Eddie Guerrero Brian would mess with Bobby Heenan, who was commentating outside of the ring. Heenan, who had neck problems, would yell out "What the Fuck are You Doing?" on the mic and then would walk away for most of the match. The second was more famous at Superbrawl 6 Brian was booked to face Kevin Sullivan in a strap match, Pillman ran down and the 2 proceeded to just hit each other until Brian grabbed the mic and said "I respect you bookerman". This would ultimately end up with Pillman working Bischoff and getting his release from the company.
ECW would jump on this, like many men at the time, and Pillman would debut soon after leaving WCW. The first reaction he got was a great one from the crowd but Brian turned on them quickly and made the die hard ECW fans hate him. Pillman's run with ECW would not last long and mainly consisted of his insane promos building towards a match with Shane Douglas. At the same time both WCW and WWE wanted to sign Pillman. But his bad luck would hit again and he would get in a car accident which caused a massive amount of damage to his body.
Surprisingly WWE did in fact sign him, injuries and all. He took part in a very honest press conference after his signing but would quickly go back to his Loose Cannon promo style soon after debuting. His promo at King of the Ring 1996 was particularly great in my view. Pillman with Owen Hart teamed with Steve Austin in Austin's campaign to get Bret Hart to return to face him. But Pillman suddenly changed his tune and Austin would attack him, during which he created the now infamous "Pillmanizer" move where you close a chair on a persons body and you jump on it. That angle would lead to one of the most controversial moments in wrestling history in "Pillman's got a gun". Within time Pillman would recover, not fully mind you, would return to TV. He would be a commentator for Shotgun Saturday Night with Jim Ross (a team I would love to listen too) and he would become part of the Hart Foundation, being seen as one as their own. Pillman would have very few matches in WWE, he teamed with Jim Neidhart against the Legion of Doom on Raw, would have a great brawl with Steve Austin on Raw and would be part of the fantastic USA/Canada feud with the incredible 10 man tag at Calgary Stampede. But Pillman's biggest feud was with Goldust, he lost to Goldust at Summerslam and was forced to wear a dress. The two would have a rematch with Pillman winning and gained Marlena's services. At Badd Blood 1997 Brian was scheduled to face Dude Love but that was the day that Pillman sadly died. He passed away from a heart condition quietly in his hotel room. By the time of his death Brian was a heavy drug user, nothing illegal and it was all to help him kill the pain he was dealing with on a daily basis. On the Raw the next night Vince McMahon interviewed his wife, mainly trying to cover their tracks and make it look like WWE were not responsible for it, it was classless on their part.
When you look back at Brian Pillman's career 2 things stand out, he was a very under-rated worker in my view. He's never seen as one of the best workers of all time but you'd rarely get a bad match from him. The second was that he created endless controversy during his time as the "Loose Cannon". There are endless stories of Pillman living the gimmick 24/7. You could argue that he probably should of only lived it when the cameras were on but you could also argue that he made the gimmick believeable at a time when wrestling was hard to believe. Like I said when I began this post this character has become one of the copied gimmicks ever, Superstar Billy Graham was the most copied style of the 80's and 90's and you can say that Pillman was the most copied of the 2000's and beyond.
I don't know what it was about Brian that got my attention but it stuck with me. The L in my "L.R.K.P" tattoo is for him, I loved the wildness he showed but I also liked the idea of him being a completely different person to people who actually knew he. To me Brian's career was one of the most impactful in the history of wrestling. You only get a handful of guys who you can safely say made a lasting impact in wrestling and Brian was one of those guys.
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