I took the week off last week as was very ill and couldn't handle that show, reading the results and hearing a review it sounded just dreadful. Anyways this is the 200
Show opens with Triple H coming out to address the crowd. He appreciates the chant for him but he asks the fans to chant for NXT, he says he's here to celebrate the 200th episode. He goes on to say that we've seen some amazing things and talent come through NXT in 200 episodes and runs a number of them down. He promises this will just get better and better, the shows will be something to remember as this is NXT and this is where the future begins. He thanks the fans for their support and say it's their show. He does his “Are you ready” thing and we go to the opening video. Complete babyface promo and no real substance to it, could have done it off air to be honest.
Sami Zayn & Tyson Kidd vs. Leo Kruger & Antonio Cesaro: Tom, Bryon and Tensai on commentary this week a random mix of guys. Mr. Kruger is actually getting a new gimmick I hear, hopefully it's something with an actual character. Leo & Kidd to start, boot by Leo into a headlock and a shoulder block. Float over, leap frog leads to an arm drag by Kidd and tag to Sami Leo also tags Cesaro. Fans chant “Match of the year” with these 2 just standing there, feeling out process leads to overhead hammer lock by Cesaro. Cesaro gets a boot to the gut and some shots, Sami reverses a whip with punches and the 2 fight in the corner trading blows. Sami goes for the 10 punches but gets pushed off getting a tag to Kidd who does a float over Oklahome roll. Kidd attempts a leap frog but Cesaro turns it into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker leading to break. We come back with Leo having control on Kidd, Kidd starts fighting back and gets another Oklahoma roll but runs into a great spinebuster for a 2. Tag to Cesaro who hits a body blow then a European uppercut and a deadlift Gutwrench suplex for a 2. Cesaro grabs a rear chinlock with Kidd trying to fight back but Leo is tagged. Another tag leads to a double back elbow for a 2, fans chant for Sami. Kidd escapes a rear chin lock but eats a clothesline and Cesaro boots Sami then tags Leo. Leo then grabs a rear chin lock, Kidd fights back again but a tag leads to Kidd kicking Cesaro who was attempting a back body drop, low bridging Leo to the outside and ducking a splash in the corner by Cesaro. Leo gets the tag grabs the leg but Kidd rolls through and gets the tag. A series of clotheslines and a leg lariat followed by his double jump cross body for a 2. Sami goes for the Mafia kick but eats a knee, Sami ducks the Slice and gets a Blue Thunder for a 2, Kidd then sends Cesaro to the outside hitting a Suicide Dive Heelio which allows Sami to hit the Mafia kick on Leo for the 3. A very good, heated opening match. No complaints from me. Winners: Sami Zayn & Tyson Kidd
We go backstage with Natayla looking at a screen and Emma coming in dancing, Nattie says she's watching Tyson's match and Emma almost poked her eye out. Emma with an attitude apologises to the big reality star. Nattie comes back saying she was watching a match, Emma says she was just having a little fun and some people have changed, they don't have time for NXT unless their getting a title shot. Nattie says Emma became No.1 contender from dancing. They go off about dancing and wrestling leading into them challenging each other for a match which they agree on. This is the 2nd time they've done something like this with Nattie claiming she's “changed” because of Total Divas and I think something like that works for the Bellas but not Nattie. We then see the main event is Bo Dallas defending the title against Adrian Neville in a Lumberjack match. Then a video for the good Santa vs. bad Santa, that is getting to much time. We then get a NXT moment being the first eipsode highlighting Daniel Bryan facing Chris Jericho in what was a fantastic match. We then get highlights from a meet & greet from earlier in the day.
Sasha Banks w/Summer Rae vs. Paige: When are they going to do Paige vs. Emma? Hasn't Emma been No.1 contender for 6 months now, it feels like forever. Paige grabs Banks who fights back with awful looking slaps, Banks get lifted onto the apron, Rae distracts Paige allowing Banks to slingshot Paige's head off the top rope. Banks with childish stomps in the corner, she then jumps on her back grabbing a chinlock leading to Paige going down. Paige fights back after a couple of minutes but runs into a big chop and Banks attempts a lucha climb up arm drag but Paige just yanks her down. Paige hits a series of short-arm clotheslines followed up by a running dropkick, Rae misses her cue to grab Paige's leg so she has to hover there for a second. Banks runs in to hit a kick but hits Rae by mistake letting Paige hit the Paige turner for the win. This was good but there's just something about Bank's offence that I just don't like. Again Paige vs. Emma, do it now! Winner: Paige
Backstage we see Enzo Amore in a wheel chair as he has a broken leg, him and Cass are talking now with their own t-shirt which says “SAWFT”. They here singing off on the side and there's Aiden English. They say Aiden is funny, he says one day he'll be singing on broadway while they are collecting tickets, Enzo says Cass is a better singer they then argue over “Moi” and they make a singing contest. Random comedy but was pretty good. I then groaned as I saw the Ascensions open challenge was next, I don't want them on my screen! Another NXT moment this one being the move to their current arena.
The Ascension (Conor O'Brian & Rick Victor) vs. The American Pitbulls (John Cahill & Eric Philbin): People say the Ascension have a great entrance, I disagree and it appears the producers agree as their already on the apron by the time we come back. For those who don't know the Pitbulls are actually the American Wolves in Davey Richards (Eric) and Eddie Edwards (John). Eric and Rick start with a tie up and Rick pushes him off but Eric ducks a clothesline. Eric gets a rear waistlock into a arm ringer but Rick comes back with a shoulder block, Eric ducks a clothesline and gets the tag, John comes in with a double axe handle to the arm. Conor gets tagged and hits a short arm shoulder block, blind tag leads to a double Japanese arm drag and a low bridge to Rick to the outside. Eric then runs into a flapjack, tag to Rick who hits a upeercut and in an ugly moment Rick goes for a back suplex and Eric tries to float over but he drops straight down pretty much on his head, that gets a 2 so he must be ok but that was nasty. They then repeat the spot with Eric landing on his feet, Rick grabs the leg though, Eric misses the Enzuigiri but hits a mule kick and gets the tag to John. Punches and back elbows followed by a running low knee that is broken up by Conor who is then low bridged out, Rick then follows and the Pitbulls hit twin suicide dives. 2 count on Rick then a tag to Eric who hits a diving headbutt for a 2, Eric misses a clothesline allowing Rick to hit the running knee, a tag and the Fall of Man for the win. I heard the Wolves were slaughtered in this match but they looked great in my view, probably the only time I've enjoyed an Ascension match and it wasn't because of them. Out come Hunico & Camacho (because that feud just HAS to continue doesn't it?) they do a stare down, John comes in and gets hit by the H-Bomb an the Fall of Man OK that made them look dumb. I don't think anyone cares for those 4 in the title program. Winners: The Ascension
We go backstage were Kofi Kingston is getting interviewed, he's asked how he feels about being in NXT for the first time. He says it's amazing and he's wanted to come here for so long, out comes Lana speaking something Lana then speaks in English and then a match between Kofi and Alexander Rusev is made for next week. Didn't care one bit about this. Next week is NXT Rewind but we also get Regal vs. Cesaro!
Bo Dallas (c) vs. Adrian Neville in a Lumberjack match for the NXT championship: They have Howard Finkel announcing this match, man that guy has a golden voice! Tie up to start and Neville drives Bo back, another tie up with Bo hitting a knee he tries to throw Neville out who hits a handspring back and a leg lariat, Bo tries to escape but gets thrown back in allowing Neville to get a bridging Oklahoma Roll for a 2. Bo hits a shot to the gut and a club to the back. Neville gets thrown out and Tyler Breeze tries to throw him back in, Neville blocks twice and then slaps him which I think is screaming out something for later. Neville ducks a clothesline and gets a arm drag into a arm bar. We go to break with another NXT moment this on being Seth Rollins winning the NXT title to become the first champion. We come back with Bo driving Neville into the corner, whip to the corner leads to Neville getting his boot up Bo drops to his knees and Neville hits several kicks to the chest. Neville misses a kick and is school boyed to the outside where he's thrown back in. Bo hits a series of knee drops for a 2 then grabs a kravate. Fans chant “Bo-ring” during the kravate, I like that. Bo hits a scoop slam but gets hit with a kick to the head when he tries to pick Neville up. Bo hits a kick to the leg and a kick to the head off the ground for a 2 count. Bo hits short-arm back elbows and a short-arm clothesline for a 2. Bo goes for the Bo-dog but he's pushed off and Neville hits a few leg kicks, ducks a clothesline and hits a couple of flying forearms and a sobat kick followed by a low dropkick for a 2. Bo hits a back elbow but runs into a jumping kick then a enzuigiri and standing shooting star for a 2. Neville scoop slams Bo and climbs to the top, Bo goes to escape but the lumberjack swarm him and Neville hits a top rope swanton to the outside, everyone except Tyler Breeze is down. Neville goes for the Red Arrow but Breeze pulls Bo out of the way letting him get the 3 and he retains. An Ok match but wasn't too impressed, I would have liked Bo to hit something after the miss instead of pinning him from a mistake but he's the lucky heel I guess. Winner & still champion: Bo Dallas
No real complaints from me on this show, a very hot opener and while everything else didn't blow me away it didn't suck which is saying a lot when you see the Ascension on the card. I guess we'll be moving forward with Breeze vs. Neville, the awful Ascension vs. Hunico/Camacho and we'll be getting Natayla vs. Emma. We're also getting Regal vs. Cesaro next week which should be great.